Wednesday, October 8, 2008

This Past Sunday

This past Sunday,

I embarrassed myself so bad. The church I am attending in Tokyo has this event going on that is called the Juballie (probably spelled wrong). During the anouncements right after service the guy on stage was trying to promote the event when suddenly people began to turn in their seats looking at me with faces full of discontent. I had a translation device in my right ear so that I could understand what was going on and was shocked when people started looking at me.... but then... I heard what was beckoning their attention. Just as the man on stage was talking about the Juballie, something from one of my pockets was calling out. Removing the translation device from my ear I heard in horror that this sound was the sound of the men chanting at the peagan feastival I had visited the other week. Having left my camera in my back right pocket, I must have triggered the right buttons in the right combination of wiggles for one of my most culturally interesting pieces of footage.... but at the worst possible moment there ever could be! I couldn't have dreamed of a worse moment or place for that to happen. Undeniably, my face turned a pleasent color of red as I groped around trying to stiffle the noise... pretend it wasn't coming from me... and then scramble to cut it off swiftly before more damage could be done. by the grace of God, as I was trying to play this whole thing cool... the lights were also dimming for a power point presentation.

I had to leave the room as soon as it was over, just to distance myself from the event as best I could.... I was beyond embarrassed.... I just couldn't erase the horrified faces from my memory... But now that I look back of it I can laugh.... because man! does God have a sense of humor or what?!

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